When Should You Replace Your Roof?

If you’re a homeowner, one of the things you need to always be watching is your roof. Not many people think to monitor how their roof is faring; after an installation, it’s easy to take your roof for granted, thinking that it will always be ready to withstand rain, snow, hail, or other weather events. While a new roof will provide resistance against these elements, nothing stays new forever.

Over time, you can never expect your shingle roof to provide the same benefits it once did. You will need to maintain it through repairs, and eventually, you will need to invest in an entirely new roof. But how do you know if your roof has reached the end of its life? At what point are repairs insufficient to keep your building healthy?

If you’re asking these questions about your roof, you don’t have to go without answers! ExP Contractors LLC is here as your roofing expert to help you. When you’re wondering about the health of your roof and whether it’s time to invest in a roof replacement, always start by looking for these signs of an unhealthy roof:

Bald Spots

No, we aren’t talking about male pattern baldness. Even shingle rooftops can develop bald spots over time. Asphalt shingles are made up of granules that keep the structure under the roof dry. The granules are the main source of protection from water and weather. Over time, you may notice areas where the granules have become worn away, giving you no protection from the rain.

These granules can get lost due to weather, foot traffic, defective shingles, and age. When enough granules are lost, you will notice “bald” patches on the roof. These areas are perfect for leaks to start, and while a small bald spot could be repaired, if more have developed, you will need a new roof.

Curling Shingles

As your roof ages, one sure sign that it is becoming ineffective is when the shingles no longer lie flat. Due to exposure to heat, sun, and rain, your shingles may start to become misshapen, either curling up at the edges or rounding outward in the center. These symptoms are called curling and cupping, respectively.

As shingles pull away from the roof surface, either at the edges or in the center of the shingle, you will notice problems with water leakage, leading to damage to the undersurface. You need a flat roof surface, with the shingles perfectly interlocked over each other, to keep your house protected.

Scan your roof from the ground or get up close to inspect the shingles. If there are large sections where the shingles curl inward or outward, it might be time to re-shingle your rooftop.

Moss Build-Up

When you’re out for a hike in the woods, you might expect to see moss growing on the side of a tree, but you never think you’ll see it in your home, right? Unfortunately, it’s all too common to notice fuzzy green growth on your roof.

Moss thrives in cool and damp environments, making the edges of your shingles the perfect environment for growth. If you have a tree above your roof providing shade or have a roof surface facing northward, it’s likely you’ll develop moss at some point.

While a small amount of moss can be removed before causing damage, if the moss is allowed to keep growing, you could notice issues. Moss grows in the cracks between shingles; if this goes unchecked, it will start to pull your shingles apart, creating space for leaks. Moss also holds water like a sponge, leading to possible mold, bacteria, and decay of the underlying structure. If you’ve allowed the moss to get out of control, chances are your roof will need to be replaced.

Storm Damage

Sometimes damage happens to a roof so suddenly that what was once a perfect roof surface now needs a full-scale replacement! During storms, wind can cause all kinds of damage, either by knocking debris into your roof or by blowing off loose shingles.

After a severe thunder or windstorm, it’s always a good idea to go out and check the quality of your roof. If any shingles have been damaged, torn off, worn away, or even worse, if the underlying structure has suffered damage, you’ll need to get a new roof as soon as possible. Damage from storms will happen by surprise; don’t let further structural damage from a leaky roof catch you off guard.

Leaky Attic

While most roofing problems are easily spotted from the exterior, whether from the ground or when you get up onto your roof for an inspection, sometimes you won’t know there is a problem with your roof unless you look on the inside.

If your home has an attic space, we recommend you go up there to check your roof often. From that vantage point, you could see gaps where sunlight peaks through, damp areas where water is getting in, or mold and other signs of long-term damage to your framing and roof structure. Any of these signs would warrant a roof replacement, so don’t neglect the interior when inspecting your roof.


Finally, no roof is expected to last forever. Even if there aren’t apparent signs of roof damage that is compromising the health and safety of your home, an old roof should be replaced.

Generally, a shingle roof is expected to last for around 20 to 25 years; if it’s any older than this, you can’t expect it to do its job as effectively as it once could, and repairs will never be enough to fix it up. Keep in mind the last time you put new shingles on your roof. If you’re approaching the 25-year mark, start looking into options for a new roof. It’s time to invest in a better surface.


There are many signs that your roof is becoming too old or damaged for repairs to keep it sealed. We have listed some of the most common ones, but if you’re unsure, it never hurts to ask a professional.

We at ExP Contractors LLC can give you clarity regarding your roof. We offer inspections of both the interior and exterior structures, pinpointing the signs and extent of any damage. We’ll even offer advice on the best way to fix your roof and can complete the job ourselves.

Don’t live in doubt anymore. Get in touch with us to know whether your roof needs repairs or a full-scale replacement.